Thursday, May 6, 2010

and I'm CRUSH-ed

          "Okay guys, well see till the next class. Make sure you drop your assignments before leaving." I stood up dropped the assignment and proceeded to continue my conversation with the cute guy I never noticed till well, till the last class of the semester and then it hit me like "dang girl, you've gotta crush on him." How convenient. The semester was almost over and I was too busy being miss single and loving it. shit. How could this happen? I had NEVER  crushed on anyone. Not once, not ever, so it was VERY overwhelming. How could it come at this highly delicate moment? Summer flirting was out of the question cuz we both resided in different areas. I was at crossroads. So, I decided to do something I've never ever done in my entire life. I decided to go for it, in this case, him. Twas time for some planning.
          Day One was a success. I conned him into asking for my phone number (yeessss) which I gladly gave forth. Btw its 080---***$£. Day one night, I succeeded again into spending some well not-so-quality time with the aforementioned personality. Geez why do single boys have to be so tight with each other? eesh. I never had a chance to have some real nice and cozy convo with cute crush. Dang, things were startn not to look so promising. Besides, I had only a few days to charm the socks off him. So, yours truly decided to yet another thing she has never done. Ask the male species for a tips. Here's some of the advice given:
1. Be nice and genuinely express care.
2. DO NOT stalk him...which I did not, btw
3. Find out the things he likes and talk bout them
4. Use your assets. That never fails to work on any male species.
5. Don't act like you know more than he does..even if you do.
6. and the golden rule...BE NICE..again..
          I managed to keep up my rules for well a day and a half. Then complication two came: he was a freaking introvert. Always cooped up inside and rarely made serious convo when I was in there. Mahn, I was getting pissed. WTF did it take to bring the dude out and have some fun. I knew he could be as crazy as hell, but why hadn't I seen the side. Plus, I was trying not to be too obvious, so moi decided to cut the visits. Maybe I didn't look nice enough, because I hadn't really gotten to the looking really nice part. I was still doing the whole jeans, top and , innocent expression thing. Besides, It was all part of the bigger plan, should things work out my way, hopefully.
          It was with such thoughts in my mind, I deicde to take the bold step. Call him and organize some kinna hang out n maybe end it with some fun(you get the drift)..Well, sadly. it was not meant to be. the subject in question apparently preferred to sleep than to talk..It hurt, but then I realized.It was a CRUSH. In most cases, one person woulda been CRUSH-ed....and that's my story.