Friday, November 26, 2010

My one great love..and other ish

“And when all goes wrong, that’s all you have left to go back to and just let it all out”-Jonathan Rhys Myers-August Rush.

In a nutshell, that’s writing to me. It’s the familiar feel of comfort, hope and support. It’s the one thing I always know will be there for me no matter what. It’s more than an outlet for emotional ramblings. It’s a part of me. It understands me, it nourishes me. It rebuilds me. It knows exactly how to react to my moods. It’s the friend who sits sad and miserable with me when I wanna just crawl under the sheets and die of sadness. It laughs at me when I’m embarrassed over the most trivial things. It boosts the hell out of my ego and never forgets to tell me how much I’m worth. It opens my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. It’s an escape from the sometimes harsh glare of life’s lights.

Life’s not worth half the stress we make it seem. Sometimes we are all so used to a set patter and feel the need to not mess with it we don’t realize we are being forced into submission. No not forced, more like willingly led into submission. We bend and bow to so many norms and cause so much damage to ourselves and the ones we love just to get to that level we feel will make us happy. And when we do? What happens?..nothing. All we see is just another staircase to ascend and realize we have only just begun. Sometimes, we can go back and choose another path to the self fulfilment and acceptance for who we are we all crave, but sometimes the door gets shut behind us and we leave all the trial of damage and hurt we have left behind.

It’s weird how me of all people will write this, but it’s the truth. Denial for too long becomes the truth for some people, in most cases, most people. But deep down, just deep down we all know that person we are is clamouring to get out. Now don’t get me wrong and let out your inner destroyer. I mean, let’s let out the person we all can be. I get it that sometimes life gives you such sour Melons, we forget what the taste of real tasty melons are. We’ve had too much bitterness to show any compassion, but we can. Let out that good person today and the reactions will surprise you.

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